Category: videos

Southern Tip of Sweden (pics and video)

Just a few random snapshots and video clips from our weekend (July 2010) with friends down south in Sweden. Thomas rented a house for a few weeks so he could visit his friends and family and also have his own place/space for chilling out with friends. Perfect!

Videos (just playing with my new waterproof toy – left the DSLR at home):


Iceland Volcano: 1) Satellite Imagery; 2) Eruption Video

This morning’s diversion (the creation of this video) started with me pondering the question: “Might Eyjafjallajokull’s ash cloud jeopardize the warm weather we’re starving for after a long winter in Europe?”

Based on this article, it sounds like the current plume isn’t big enough to have much of a global impact.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is that northern Europe will likely suffer some ill effects, even if the volcano is done erupting (last time the eruptions went on for over a year).

Snow on You Crazy Diamond

Just messing around on this beautiful, snowy day here in Sweden. The weather, music, and mood all came together. Plus a new tripod (thanks, Hugo).

Click that first picture or here to see the snow falling outside our window. I’m glad I decided to stop to smell the flowers (thanks, Cici), and to watch, listen, and feel the snow and wind, and to hear, for the first time, a new rendition of an all-time favorite song. That’s what sealed the deal, the Floyd cover (thanks, Christy).

More pics after the jump.  The first one (below) is from Monday (2/22), the second one is from Thursday (2/25) and the third one is from Tuesday (2/23). The tulip pics and video (above) are from Saturday (2/20). The video cover shot is from Sunday (2/21).


Stockholm and Riga Trip and Pics
(click for larger version of this image)
(click for larger version of this image)

Back our 3-year anniversary trip to Riga, Latvia, via Stockholm, Sweden. Great trip, great weather, great food, people!

It was a nice surprise to be in Riga for the 20th anniversary of the Baltic Chain, a protest where 2 million people held hands over 600 kilometers (373 miles) spanning three countries (Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR, and Lithuanian SSR). Imagine that! I had know idea.

By the way, while we’re on the topic of protests and before I forget, here’s Larry Flint’s (yes, that Larry Flint) call for mass protest on HuffPo: “Common Sense 2009.”  What will cause the sheeple to reject the lies, reject their selfishness (and the selfishness of the politicians and mega corporations), and standup for each other (“we, not me”)?  Apparently a lot, since it’s not happened yet.  Sigh.  Now back to regularly scheduled blog post.

More about the Baltic Chain and its 20th anniversary:


First Post From the USA and First Post From the New MacBook

Just time for a quickie:

  1. NYT: Bailout Plan: $2.5 Trillion and a Strong U.S. Hand
  2. NYT Graphic: The Government’s $8.8 Trillion Bailout Tab
  3. Nouriel Roubini: Treasury’s Financial Stability Plan: Will It Work?
  4. Nouriel Roubini: It Is Time to Nationalize Insolvent Banking Systems
  5. Video and My Comments: Obama and Henrietta Hughes at Town Hall Meeting

UPDATE: Two additional articles:

  1. NYT: Stopping a Financial Crisis, the Swedish Way
    (September 2008)
  2. Matthew Richardson and Nouriel Roubini: Nationalize the Banks! We’re all Swedes Now (current)


New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Gothenburg, Sweden

This was one of the best displays I’ve ever seen — and I’ve seen a bunch of good ones on the National Mall in Washington, DC on July 4th. These Swedish guys rocked it! See this video of the grand finale (click “watch in high quality” mode, expand to full-screen mode, and turn up the sound).

The last pic is from our balcony about 8 minutes after midnight, after a 15-minute barrage of fireworks from everywhere (all over the city). The fireworks were going all night up to the midnight finale (video clip shot from our balcony).

The four  bonus pics after that are from our New Year’s Day walk.

Overall, it was a great New Year’s Eve with Annica and Henrik and a great New Year’s Day with Birgitta and Roy!  Happy New Year to you!


BASE Jumping With Skis and Wingsuits in Norway

(Wingsuit BASE Jumping from Ali on

If you haven’t heard of wingsuit BASE jumping (aka wingsuit flying), you gotta check it out! To get you started, check out the video above, shot in Norway.

According to my friend Todd, who lived in Tahoe back in the day, the video is narrated by JT Homes, “a youngster from Tahoe I skied with a handful of times. We went to Alaska the same year and I remember he said he was nervous! Doesn’t look like he’s nervous anymore! Crazy shit!”

If you like this video, also check out this blog post Freeskiers Make Sport Cool Again and this YouTube video: Peak 7601 Alaska (Terje on a snowboard).


PS: I never got as extreme as these guys, but I hucked myself off some rocks back in the Colorado dayz (1989 to 1993). Good times (except for two nasty accidents, both of which resulted in broken bones and surgeries and could have killed me).

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